Martina Walther, M.Sc. Computer Science

I studied Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich at a time when the internet was still in its infancy. We used modems, few had an e-mail address and certainly nobody was online all the time. In the U.S. the World Wide Web already was a lot more present. My kids’ preschool had a website. We found our house on the internet, not in the newspaper. MapQuest (a precursor of Google Maps) showed us the way. And when there was a party we received an Evite – an electronic invitation. Fascinated by the possibilities of the Internet, I soon handled the preschool’s website. Later I took a class “Web Publishing” at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, California.
In 2005 I started my own business. Since then I work as a freelancer in web design and website support. When I went back to Germany in early 2008, I kept my small customer base in the U.S. and some of them are still with me today. With my experience in dealing with interested but non-technical clients, I today specialize in content management systems and websites for small businesses.